torsdag 29. september 2011
Blood diamonds
Blood diamonds is one of the bbest movies i have seen in a while. The action filled plot and the sadening truthfull theme both worked very well together. All in all the movie shows the reality of those who lived in Sierra Leone at the time. The RUF's child soliders and how they were forced to kill and raid villagers across the country. The diamonds that everybody wanted for their own, so they could sell it and make extreme profits. The civil war, and how many people chose to make somebody else's life worse to improve their own. It was kind of sad when Danny Archer said TIA about it all, which just shows how he has given up on making it all better. Almost like saying: "This is how the country is, and how it always will be no matter what we do." The in-detail description of how diamond smugglers got the "conflict-diamonds" out on the market was also very good. Even though the movie was fiction, it also portrayed many realities about this world. Child soliders stil excist in large numbers. Conflict diamonds are still smuggled into the western diamond market, and families still get separated because of all of this. A sad and cold truth.
God argumentering
Det aller aller viktigste man må kunne når man argumenterer er å være så saklig som mulig hele tiden. Hvis man blir for emosjonell kan man virke desperat og derfor også tom for gode argumenter. Derimot hvis du kan holde deg rolig og rasjonell til en hver tid er det mye lettere å vinne et argument. Selvsagt er det også viktig å ha en viss kunnskap om hva du prater om. En annen viktig ting er Kreativitet. Under et argument kan man være så forberedt som overhodet mulig, men det kan forsatt være noe du har oversett som motstanderen kan bruke imot deg. Da er det viktig å være kreativ og kjapp i replikken slik at du kan komme med et motargument på sparket. Det siste jeg vil påpeke, er at det å få det siste ordet kan påvirke argumentet ekstremt. Noen sa en gang til meg: "Den som får det siste ordet vinner alltid et argument." Så gikk personen for å snakke med noen andre. Selv om det siste ordet er viktig, er det ikke sikkert at du vinner argumentet. Men hvis du med mindre sparer det beste argumentet ditt til slutt kan det være en stor sjanse for at du går "seirende" ut av diskusjonen.
About Myself
Alright, since this is a subject blogg i have to put up both English and Norwegian posts.
I am a 16 year old boy from Trondheim, Norway. Im a sporty guy who trains both Taekwon-Do and Football. I've also won second place in the National Championship in Taekwon-Do last year and i am going for gold this year. I have Football played for as many years as i can remeber, and i've played on the team Trygg/Lade all my life. We used to be quite good back in the days, but have now fallen pretty far as many of our best players have moved on to other teams. I don't like saying things about my personality, because i don't want to seem overconfident and "douchy", which might mean i am a pretty carefull guy. The most exciting thing in my life is that i have been living in the US for a year. In eight grade i was living in Madison, Wisconsin, going to a public school there. To be honest, that was the best school i have ever been to. I have never had such good results or worked so hard in my life. In addition to that, the High School i would have gone to if i hadn't left was supposed to be even better. Now i am crossing my fingers that my years at Adolf Øien 1ste will be even better. :)
I am a 16 year old boy from Trondheim, Norway. Im a sporty guy who trains both Taekwon-Do and Football. I've also won second place in the National Championship in Taekwon-Do last year and i am going for gold this year. I have Football played for as many years as i can remeber, and i've played on the team Trygg/Lade all my life. We used to be quite good back in the days, but have now fallen pretty far as many of our best players have moved on to other teams. I don't like saying things about my personality, because i don't want to seem overconfident and "douchy", which might mean i am a pretty carefull guy. The most exciting thing in my life is that i have been living in the US for a year. In eight grade i was living in Madison, Wisconsin, going to a public school there. To be honest, that was the best school i have ever been to. I have never had such good results or worked so hard in my life. In addition to that, the High School i would have gone to if i hadn't left was supposed to be even better. Now i am crossing my fingers that my years at Adolf Øien 1ste will be even better. :)
About the Butterflies
To be honest, I don't think the literary analysis "About the Butterflies" was such an extremely good analysis. It's good yes, but there are still some important things the writer could improve.
First of all i think the author could be a little more informative in her intro. He/she only gives info about the short story itself, but not what he/she is going to talk about at all. It helps to give the reader a little hint of what the whole point of the analysis is. What is it you want to explain to us about the short story? Is it racial issues, or sheep, or maybe even cabbage farmers? Personally i felt kind of thrown into the whole thing without knowing what i was going to meet. However, the arguments the author of the analysis came up with in the analysis were very good. He/she finds the key parts of the story and helps us to understand it. Though at some points there could have been a little more detail.
Secondly, even though the author seemed to have a very good vocabulary, at some parts it felt like the explanations came to some abrupt stops, and ruined the flow of the text. And the transitions between paragraphs were sometimes confusing. But generally the language was really good, and it was easy to read.
All in all though, the analysis was good because: The the writer of the analysis really grabbed on to the essence of the story and managed to tell us in a good, straight forward manner, he/she also generally had good language and his/her vocabulary was broad. But like everyone else he/she has some things to work on.
First of all i think the author could be a little more informative in her intro. He/she only gives info about the short story itself, but not what he/she is going to talk about at all. It helps to give the reader a little hint of what the whole point of the analysis is. What is it you want to explain to us about the short story? Is it racial issues, or sheep, or maybe even cabbage farmers? Personally i felt kind of thrown into the whole thing without knowing what i was going to meet. However, the arguments the author of the analysis came up with in the analysis were very good. He/she finds the key parts of the story and helps us to understand it. Though at some points there could have been a little more detail.
Secondly, even though the author seemed to have a very good vocabulary, at some parts it felt like the explanations came to some abrupt stops, and ruined the flow of the text. And the transitions between paragraphs were sometimes confusing. But generally the language was really good, and it was easy to read.
All in all though, the analysis was good because: The the writer of the analysis really grabbed on to the essence of the story and managed to tell us in a good, straight forward manner, he/she also generally had good language and his/her vocabulary was broad. But like everyone else he/she has some things to work on.
fredag 23. september 2011
Få meg på, for whaaat?
På torsdag for mesteparten av klassen på kino for å se Få meg på, for faen, og jeg må si: Dette er en av de kleineste og rareste tenåringsfilmene jeg noen gang har sett. La gå, jeg har ikke sett så veldig mange tenåringsfilmer, men det forandrer ikke det faktum at selve plottet og problemet i filmen er helt latterlig. Helt seriøst, "Han tok pikken sin på låret mitt. Sånn her." Hvordan kan en så liten ting bety så mye? Men selv om plottet og problemet er rett og slett dumt, er temaet helt greit. Det skjer mange steder at folk blir utstøtt, og det er en viktig ting. Jeg synes bare at de skulle funnet en annen måte å fremstille det på.
torsdag 22. september 2011
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